User guide: Getting an overview of field mappings

User guide: Getting an overview of field mappings

With Project Specific Field Names for Jira, your project admin is able to set up custom field names and descriptions for the fields visible on issue screens on your project. The field names are displayed on all “normal screens”. For special use cases such as issue searches or filters you will need to use the actual field name - not the project specific one as configured by your project admin.

To get an overview of the field mappings defined in your project, navigate to the project, e.g. by selecting it from the project list.

You will find an additional menu item included in the sidebar navigation: Project Specific Field Names.

The list gives you the following information:

  • Default name: This is the globally configured name of the field. Use this name to e.g. to perform issue searches.

  • Custom name: The field name used in your project.

  • Id: The ID uniquely identifies the field and can also be used e.g. for issue searches or for any calls against the Jira REST API.

In order to set up or change any mappings as listed on Project Specific Field Names, project administrator privileges are required.