Getting started

Getting started

Videos for Confluence turns your Confluence platform into a hub for videos. Finally, videos can be created, shared and used just as easily as other content types!

As a user you will come across Videos for Confluence in four contexts:

  1. Quickly upload and access videos in your spaces.

  2. Filter and watch videos in the global video hub.

  3. Embed videos comfortably on pages with our video macro.

  4. Search for videos via the integration in both quick and advanced search.


Space videos

Your spaces are the home for your videos. Upload videos to your space and decide if you want to share it with anyone working in the space or even globally with all users.

Global videos

If you are looking for videos, the global Videos hub is the place to go. Here you will find all videos which are accessible to you, and the hub gives you plenty of search and filtering options to find exactly the videos you want to watch.

Video macro

The video macro allows you to integrate videos into your Confluence pages. Just like images or other attachments, only better - becauseā€¦ videos!

Video search

And if you are accustomed to using the Confluence search to quickly retrieve content: it also works for videos, natively.