Emailer for Confluence

It’s as simple as that: Send mails to specified users or groups, directly from the Confluence administration.

As a Confluence admin, you probably now the situation: you would like to notify all of your users or a certain subset, e.g. of a version upgrade, a newly introduced app or just of general news. Usually this involves extracting mail addresses from the database, plus sending mails via a separate mail client. With Emailer for Confluence, these additional steps are no longer needed and sending the mail becomes as easy as it should be.


Email for Confluence is going to be available on the Atlassian marketplace shortly. And the good news is that it’s free. Just install it via Find new apps in the Confluence administration, and enjoy!


Upon installation Emailer for Confluence adds a new menu item to the Confluence system administration: Send Emails. The simple prerequisite to using the app is that an outgoing mail server is configured for your Confluence platform.

When you select Send Emails in the Confluence system administration, you will be presented with a concise form.

  • Users: Add individual users by starting to enter the user or full name.

  • Groups: Select any groups which exist in your Confluence user directory/ies.

  • Special groups: Currently all space admins on your platform (users with admin permissions in any space) are selectable.

  • Number of recipients: Emailer for Confluence automatically calculates the sum of all mail recipients, certainly counting each user only once.

  • Subject and Message: The subject and the content of the mail to be sent.

You can preview the mail by pressing the button Send test mail. Select one or several users to whose mail addresses the preview will be delivered.

And finally, send the mail to the defined recipients by hitting Verify and send. A pop-up window will open for reconfirmation.

Once you have started the sending process, the mails are transferred to the Confluence in-built mail queue which is automatically flushed every minute. It’s the same place as for Confluence notifications, and will make sure that messages also to large amounts of users are sent out reliably.


Please approach us for any feature requests, questions or technical issues via our Service Desk: